


Art Residency

# Tags
Germany, Nature, Paintings

The FlussLab residency took place in Coswig (Anhart), a small town in Germany two hours away by train from Berlin. There were 7 artists from different countries (Belarus, Mexico, Argentina) each working on our own project for a month and a half.

The final works were showcased in a gallery in Berlin. The curator named the exhibition ‘Transcendece’, my 4 painting series was named ‘Resonating Patterns: Exploring Nature in Shadows’, but I called it ‘Random Walk’.

# Tags
Germany, Nature, Paintings

The FlussLab residency took place in Coswig (Anhart), a small town in Germany two hours away by train from Berlin. We were 7 artists from different countries (Belarus, Mexico, Argentina) and each worked on their own project for a month and a half.

The final works were showcased in a gallery in Berlin. The curator named the exhibition ‘Transcendece’, my 4 painting series was named ‘Resonating Patterns: Exploring Nature in Shadows’, but I called it ‘Random Walk’.

# Tags
Germany, Nature, Paintings

The FlussLab residency took place in Coswig (Anhart), a small town in Germany two hours away by train from Berlin. There were 7 artists from different countries (Belarus, Mexico, Argentina) each working on our own project for a month and a half.

The final works were showcased in a gallery in Berlin. The curator named the exhibition ‘Transcendece’, my 4 painting series was named ‘Resonating Patterns: Exploring Nature in Shadows’, but I called it ‘Random Walk’.

Nature, Paintings, Large Format

This project began years ago in Oaxaca (MEX) as a series of block prints made using real shadows and sunlight. It wasn’t easy to find green shadows in a region where the cutting down of trees was not regulated. This was the trigger I needed to start working for this cause.

The highest rates of deforestation are seen in developing countries where Foundation Reforestemos is working with communities to stop the clearing of forests. More Green Shadows Project consists of making a contribution from sales. With each painting sold, buyers will be donating 30 trees for reforestation and conservation of native forests, mainly located in South America.

Trees are an incredible natural technology, absorbing CO2 from the air and transforming it into O2. A single mature tree can take in about 50 pounds of carbon dioxide per year. To compensate 1 tonne of CO2, 31 to 46 trees are needed.

This is only the beginning!